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WeWell Beauty

biagiotti blog

Noticeable Results with a healthy approach

Advanced Ingredients

We commit to the idea that health is wealth and so we pride ourselves in ensuring that no harmful components are included in our serum. Our product is packed with nourishing ingredients that promote local blood circulation, enhance hair follicle metabolism, improve hair follicle vitality, protect hair follicles, strengthen the hair medulla, and provide a safe growth environment for the eyelashes.

Easy Application

Our belief is that a great lash serum has a good quality applicator brush. Therefore, our applicator brush is easy-to-use and made to be thin and pointy to secure that the lashes, from root to tip, penetrating deep to the lash follicles will directly absorb the serum’s ingredients. In result, this allows maximum results and provides effective lash growth.

Effective Growth

With advanced, healthy formula and great applicator combined, we are proud to say that our product is designed to work quickly and effectively. Delivering visible results, with consistent use of 3-4 weeks. WeWell Eyelash Growth Serum will continue to promote a safe lash growth environment where no lash damage, breakage and fallout will occur.


  • September 10, 2019

    Isabel Miller

    Mea probatus persequeris id.


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